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Ptonline is an experienced member of technical teams, both as a professional planner and with her experience as a Board Director on two government-owned corporations from 2000 to 2007.

She has been a Committee member for a number of statutory processes including Deputy Chair of the Coastal Protection Advisory Council and member for the Minister's Water Planning Referral Panel. She has a wide range of experience as a team member in steering committees and project management consortia. She has contributed technical and project direction to:

  • Urban Master Plans for West End, Rochedale and Oxley Creek in Brisbane.

  • Infrastructure Plans, business cases and feasiblity processes.

  • Over 35 environmental plans for vegetation, catchment and river management plans.

  • A number of annual Environmental Reports (Noosa, Caloundra Councils + SEQ Water Corporation).

  • Environmental management systems to ISO 14001 standard.

  • A number of environmental, social and urban policy and strategies.

Facilitating strategic direction-setting

Caloundra City Council LGMS
"The Councillors and executive team of Caloundra City built their draft Local Growth Management Strategy 2026 using a workshop process. Mary conducted the seven workshops working from options to issues and then to preferred future growth scenarios. Preparatory work by staff to reduce complexity and to focus people's attention on the key questions was a critical success factor."

Tony O'Keeffe, LGMS, Caloundra City Council.

CSIRO Energy Technology Division

"A national level forum comprising electricity generators, coal and renewable energy producers, unions, social services and environment groups used workshops to define and agree on their group's overall conclusions about Australia's energy future. The result was the Energy Futures Forum's final report 'The Heat is On',"
Paul Graham, Energy Technology Division, CSIRO

Steering Committee member Integrated Water Management Project, Rochedale Urban Master Plan, Brisbane City Council.

Communication leader and Steering Committee member for Brisbane City Council's icon project, Rehabilitating Oxley Creek.

Fitzroy Catchment Water Quality Report Card and Catchment
Award Winning Project in the National Planning Institute of Australia award winning Natural Heritage Project.

Social Impact Assessment - Living Murray Project
Team member in Hassalls consultancy project for the Murray Darling Basin Commission to scope the social impacts of the restoration of flows for environmental rehabilitation of the Murray. Conduct of over 40 interviews with industry, community and local government leaders.

Deputy Chair, State Coastal Protection Advisory Council 1999-2005
The Council advised on the preparation of the inaugural State Coastal Plan and its first three Regional Coastal Plans for the Queensland coast



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